Monday, July 1, 2013

First Person Point of View

So recently I have been trying to write in first person point of view, and all I can say is...why is it so weird?

I have tried so many times to write in first person, but whenever I do something just doesn't feel right. I know part of this is because I it's different from how I usually write, however, it's not just that. When I read through what I've written it doesn't sound anything like how other authors write in first person. It's hard for me to pinpoint what makes my stuff sound so different in my mind--perhaps there is no difference at all? Even so, at times I think that it may be because I'm "telling" more than "showing", but when I focus on making certain that I am "showing" the writing still doesn't feel right.

Sometimes I like to think it is because of the main character, which makes the problem not as worrisome, but I sense this is more of a result of unpracticed writing skills than the awesome and amazing writing skill to make each narrative have its own voice that reflects the character from whose point of view the reader is reading.

Bleh. At this point, I think I should just keep going and see what happens.

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