Monday, December 2, 2013

The Panicking Rabble Continues

Dear Folks:

We all hope you are enjoying the holiday festivities this year. 

Our search for A.C. continues. The author has been spotted with bags of candy. If you see any candy wrapper trails and suspect them to be created by A.C. please leave them untouched. We are using the trails to find the find the writer. 

The hunt continues.

The Panicking Rabble

Saturday, November 2, 2013

Panicking Rabble's Notice

Dear Folks:

It appears A.C. has gone skipping off into a field of flowers muttering something about books and broadening reading horizons. 

While witnesses claim to have seen a laptop chained to A.C.'s wrist, others claim it was no more than a cookie tray. 

We will be keeping a look out for the author.

Until then enjoy this photo of a goose:

The Panicking Rabble

Monday, October 28, 2013

Victory! Oh, and Happy Halloween!

Woot! Victory is mine!

Anyway, now that I got that out of my system, I am writing this post to announce that I was able to complete that "something" I promised you guys for Halloween. It's two short stories! Yay! ...maybe?

Well, it's definitely a "Yay!" for me.

So right now they are on Amazon for Kindle. So far nothing is on Nook or Kobo, but that's because right now I want to take advantage of KDP Select.

Here are the obligatory links:
The Love Talker
Phantom Pains

Oh, and did I mention that Phantom Pains is the sequel to The Love Talker?

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Something in the Works

It's getting close to that wonderful time of year--Halloween!

So how am I going to celebrate it...uh honestly, no idea. Although, in honor of the holiday, I hope to have something out for readers beforehand. Hope being the keyword there, because already I am seeing the telltale signs that even though schedules have been set and the bulk of things have been accomplished, something is going to go haywire.

So yeah... I'm just going to cross my fingers and do what I can to make things go smoothly.

...Does anyone else have a sudden sense of dread?

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

First POV Pt. III

So shortly after my last post, I finally discovered why my version of first person point of view comes off as if the main character is talking to the audience. It's because she is.

The reason why it took me so long to realize this was because the character does it in a subtle way, or technically, I do it in a subtle way.

Now while I never had the character's narrative address the audience directly by saying things such as, "You have no idea how panicked I was when the werewolf lunged at me," I do have her saying thing such as, "Well, damn. That didn't go as planned."  Even though, the idea is that she is thinking that to herself, the latter bit still engages the audience in a dialogue of sorts.

So now that I know what is making my writing come off like one's best friend is talking to them, the question is: do I want to change that?

At this point, I'm still on the fence, but I am leaning toward not changing the narrative. The character is not supposed to be the most likable of protagonists, and so having the narrative possess that subtle friend-like quality might help the reader get through the story, maybe even cause the reader to like the main character despite the character's flaws.

We'll see though.

Saturday, August 3, 2013

First Person Point of View Pt.II

After a month of squeezing in time to practice writing first person point of view between other projects, I think I may have finally realized why my writing style feels different compared to other writers' (besides the obvious fact that we are individuals, therefore there are going to be differences in our writing). I believe because of the way things are phrased and the way the main character's narrative digresses it comes off more conversational than literary. In other words, instead of the reader and main character becoming one, or the reader just being an invisible parrot on the main characters shoulder with access to the character's thoughts, it's more like the main character knows the reader is there and is prattling off his/her experiences.

Is that a bad thing? No. Is it a good thing? Eh, not really sure. It was never my intention to have a narrative like that. I can only think of one positive thing about such a narrative, which is that because it so conversational/friendly it might be more engaging/inviting for the audience. The negative side, though, is that the reader could get jolted out of the narrative. After all, if you are reading a story and suddenly the main character is talking directly to you (so far that isn't the case with my work, but it could be), you may be taken out of the story. Second, the narrative sounds immature, or at least mine does.

Anyway, I will continue with this first person point of view experiment for now.

Sunday, July 14, 2013

The Missing Piece of Childhood

I have a confession: I have never read Harry Potter.

Around the time Harry Potter came out I was still resistant to reading, and by the time I was open to reading I found Harry Potter insulting. Why did I find it insulting? Honestly, I don't remember. I just know I loved witches to the point that I took everything I read about them as fact. Well, as factual as one can take any fantastical creature (and before anyone points out that there are witches; they're just not the ridiculously powerful kind you see in movies, TV, or books; I am aware). For whatever the reason, I thought Harry Potter betrayed what witches, warlocks, wizards, etc. were supposed to be.

Then I got older, and I realized I was stupid.

Even so, I didn't bother reading the series because by that point the hype was so big I didn't want to be disappointed. Then eventually it just became a matter of: What's the point? I was no longer the target audience, and I had been subjected to many birthday parties filled with Harry Potter spoilers as my friends discussed the latest release.

So why bring this up now?

After struggling to write from a child's point of view I decided that this week between writing and editing I will read the first book in the series.

Not going to lie. I'm a little excited.

Monday, July 1, 2013

First Person Point of View

So recently I have been trying to write in first person point of view, and all I can say is...why is it so weird?

I have tried so many times to write in first person, but whenever I do something just doesn't feel right. I know part of this is because I it's different from how I usually write, however, it's not just that. When I read through what I've written it doesn't sound anything like how other authors write in first person. It's hard for me to pinpoint what makes my stuff sound so different in my mind--perhaps there is no difference at all? Even so, at times I think that it may be because I'm "telling" more than "showing", but when I focus on making certain that I am "showing" the writing still doesn't feel right.

Sometimes I like to think it is because of the main character, which makes the problem not as worrisome, but I sense this is more of a result of unpracticed writing skills than the awesome and amazing writing skill to make each narrative have its own voice that reflects the character from whose point of view the reader is reading.

Bleh. At this point, I think I should just keep going and see what happens.

Monday, June 3, 2013

Switching It Up

In a previous post I mentioned that I was working on editing two novels, and as you can probably tell by some of my other posts, I have been doing as I said I would (is it just me or was there a chorus of, "No duh," just now? Let's face it, when do I not talk about me writing/editing?).

I can say with more certainty that the novel I labeled as having a similar tone and audience as Turning Curse will be available in some time. I can't give an estimate, nor would I like to say when I hope it comes out, because such a statement may cause false hope. All I can say at this point is it will be published. In addition, I am not saying this because it will be out any time soon. I'm still in the middle of editing it. The editing process just happens to be going well with this novel.

The second novel has gone through many delays, however. At this point, I doubt it will have the same release date as the aforementioned novel. It may not ever be published. I am also debating whether to switch focus to another novel that could be edited. I won't give up on it completely--there are very few novels that I do, but this may be a novel that if it is ever seen by the public that time will be years down the road, unless things drastically change.

Friday, May 17, 2013

As Time Passes

"Time passes, people move... Like a river's flow, it never ends..." so says Shiek in Ocarina of Time

Well, time has certainly "flowed" however, a lot of things are still in the works. Things are being written, edited, thrown away, stared at, yelled at, anything that makes me sound crazy and interesting and not like the hermit that I truly am. Though, perhaps I should rephrase that, because such a statement implies that all hermits are uninteresting, which is not true. I don't have any evidence to prove it one way or the other (in other words I have done no research), but I'm willing to take a leap of faith. 

Anyway, I leave you all with the knowledge that things are progressing, just slowly. Better to take my time in an attempt to put something of quality out there (doesn't mean I will succeed) then to throw something out there and hope everything is perfect.

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Goodreads and Page99Test

This is probably a little late for everyone, but for those who don't know, I am a registered author on Goodreads. So while I may not be the most chatty blogger, if you feel the urge to spy on what I am reading or have read you now know where to look. I will say this, though, I don't rate or write reviews. While I do have opinions on what I read, I rather not deal with ensuing, "But in your book....", "You're such a hypocrite", and the "You think your book is better than this one?" It's just a headache I don't feel like dealing with.

You can also find me on Page99Test. Sadly, whenever I try to make a link to the my post on the site it doesn't work, so telling all of you this may be for naught.

Anyway, back to the editing dungeon.

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Efficiency vs Beauty

When I a write and edit I am always at war with myself. I always ask myself would it be better to write efficiently or poetically? For example, "He sliced the queen's head off. Droplets of blood flew off the axe, speckling Rosemary's cheeks as she watched in horror," or, "The axe fell like death's scythe, stealing the head off of the queen's pearl-white neck. The crimson that poured from that once unblemished neck, covered the edge of the axe. The momentum of the axe flung the blood that clung loosely to it into the air, and the specks rained onto Rosemary's cheeks as she gaped in horror."

The second is a lot more dramatic, and since it is a death scene, the latter would be the best choice, since I'm trying to make an impact. However, what about those times when the events that transpire are not so important? An extreme example would be the main character eating breakfast. Unless how the protagonist's toast is buttered is relevant to the plot, must I wax on about it?

Still, I read reviews and watch blogs in which people will complain that the language is too simplistic, or lacks creativity. I don't think it's wrong to want a book that does more with the language then simply use everyday jargon or string non-complex sentences together. Language can be quite beautiful, and it's wonderful that there are people out there that want that.

Even so, I love efficient writing. Some may like, "He hurtled down through the clouds like Icarus, swallowed by the sea." Yet I like, "He plummeted into ocean." It's so simple, and it gets the point across. Again, if the protagonist's fall is meant as a dramatic moment, I would be more inclined to choose the the first example. Even so, I appreciate the second sentence. It gives me the information I need to know, and then let's me move on with story.

In a world where a war is being raged over the average reader's attention between social media, video games, movies, work/school, family, and other forms of entertainment, is it wrong to respect the reader's time?

Yes, I don't want to read a novel that is merely dialogue with "he/she said" tagged on at the end followed by an action already repeated twenty times on the same page. At the same time, I don't have the patience to wade through pages of describing what the dinner table looks like, of the history aforementioned table (though I'm sure Tristan Shandy could pull it off marvelously).

Thus, I am always left torn when writing and editing as I try to search for a balance. Although, I think by now anyone who has read this post suspects, which way I tend to lean. I can't deny, when it comes down to it, unless the scene is dramatic/calls for beauty over efficiency,  I tend to agree with Shakespeare:
"Brevity is the soul of wit" (Hamlet Act 2, scene 2).
Although, even his quoted character went on and on:
"My liege, and madam, to expostulate
What majesty should be, what duty is,
What day is day, night night, and time is time,
Were nothing but to waste night, day, and time;
Therefore, since brevity is the soul of wit,
And tediousness the limbs and outward flourishes,
I will be brief. Your noble son is mad. . . ."
Really Polonius? You couldn't just say, "Your son is mad"?

Well, not like I can talk, considering this post...

Friday, March 8, 2013

Another Update

It's been a little over two weeks since I last posted, though I suppose that goes without saying.

There is not much to say. I still debate with myself what to do with this blog other than keep readers in the loop with what is going on book-wise. I'm still editing two novels. I sent the slightly older audience aimed book that I mentioned in my previous post to one of my lovely editors to get a better sense of what needs to be changed. As for book number two, I am personally working on it now. I've made some story changes, and now I'm focusing on flow, wording, spelling, and grammar. I can't deny the last two will always elude me. The day I become a cyborg with the ultimate spell check I'll be delighted, assuming I can still feel human emotions.

Perhaps as I get closer to publishing the novels I'll post a preview.

I suppose I could also look through old poems or short stories to see if anything stands out.

Until next time, readers.

Thursday, February 21, 2013

What's the plan, Stan?

So now that Turning Curse is published, what's next?

Well, nothing is set in stone, but right now I am editing two novels. In a dream world, I would be able to publish them at the same time, but after all of the troubleshooting with Turning Curse, I'm very much aware how such plans can go awry.

I don't want to give too many details, because--again--things could change. At this point, one of the novels I'm working on has a similar tone and audience as Turning Curse. The second novel, however, is a little more somber and has a higher age range while remaining young adult. In some ways, I feel this second novel may be the one that will require the most work. The main character is abrasive, which can often alienate the reader.

So that is currently what's in the cards and could change at any moment.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

On Frogs and Creative Desicions

So let's talk about frogs and writing.

I recently talked to one of my closest friends about Turning Curse, and how I knew made some "mistakes," and I'm not talking about typos (though I know I made them too. Curse me for being human and naturally flawed). So let's shed some light on these mistakes, and explain why they exist if I know they are mistakes.

The first and foremost one is "Frogs don't have fingers." Frogs have toes and legs. No fingers. No hands. Yet I constantly used fingers and hands when writing from a certain frog's point of view. I did this because it thought it would be a mouthful to say, "He outstretched his right, front leg" instead of "He outstretched his right hand."  I would like to think most readers, whether they are frog experts or not, know what I am trying to convey. Therefore, even though it is technically incorrect to use hands and fingers when talking about a frog, for the sake simpler sentences, and hopefully easier to understand sentences too, I am willing to make this mistake.

Another one is gritting/grinding teeth. Frogs have teeth, but only on the top of their mouths. Because their isn't a lower set of teeth it is inaccurate to say, frogs grit/grind their teeth, yet once again a certain frog is special. Like the previous paragraph stated, the decision to use such phrases came from wanting to remain simple and trusting the reader. The idea was to show the frog doing a similar motion to gritting or grinding his teeth. Imagine every time he did it if I wrote, "He moves his teeth in a grinding motion--not that he was really grinding them, because he had only his top row of teeth. His top teeth were really brushing his bottom lip."

I'm sure there are still people out there who will cry, "Mistake! Inaccurate!" and honestly, let them. They're correct. If it makes them throw the book at a wall or rant to all who will listen about how some author made an anthropomorphic frog...well, anthropomorphic, then that's what they choose to do with their time. As for my time, I got to get back to work editing some novels.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Love Fest: Charlie Brown

Do I even have to explain why Charlie Brown deserves a hug?
 This poor kid! He never does anything malicious, he usually helps out his friends, and he just tries so darn hard. Honestly, his worst character trait is his depression, and he has reasons to be depressed. Wouldn’t you be depressed if you were him? For crying out loud, candy hearts insult him. 

Really, it is just so painful to watch the Valentine’s Day special when Charlie wants just one Valentine and when he gets it, it’s a pity gift. Yet he still loves it so much. The fact that Charlie Brown can appreciate such a gift makes him deserving of the biggest hug.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Love Fest: Moro

There’s a lovely Miyazaki film by name of Princess Mononoke that has so many good elements in it, one could write a novel on the subject. However, this post is just to celebrate the awesomeness that is Moro.

Moro is a wolf god, who protects the forest that the humans, led by Lady Eboshi, destroys. Fierce and intelligent she has some of the best quotes in the movie. My personal favorite:

"I listen to the pain of the forest and feel the ache of the bullet in my chest, and I dream of the day I will finally crunch that gun-woman's head in my jaws."

Because she is more of a side character than a main one, it is hard to go into detail what makes Moro such an amazing character without giving spoilers. So in the vaguest of explanations, what it comes down to is Moro is a badass who embodies exactly what one would picture a wolf god to be. She doesn’t childishly attack humans because she hates them, but because they desecrate her home. At the same time, while she wants to protect her home, she acknowledges the dangers of going to war with humans. There’s just this perfect mixture of temper, violence, and wisdom that make her such a great character.

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Love Fest: Luke fon Fabre

In a previous post I mentioned that I don’t know what to do with this blog. That’s still true for the most part, but after my last post I had an idea. Valentine’s day is coming up soon, so in honor of it I have decided write a few posts about characters from video games, TV shows, and movies that either I love or feel need love—as in someone needs to give the character a hug, not that they are underrated.

So time to spread the love!

  Oh, and there is no ranking system.

Luke fon Fabre:

Oh god! That midriff! I really did not need to see that, especially when it looks so unnatural.  

So midriff aside, I am one of those few people who absolutely adores Luke from Tales of the Abyss.

For those unfamiliar with Tales of the Abyss, it is about Luke, son of Duke Fabre and nephew to the King of Kimlasca-Lanvaldear, who is mistakenly kidnapped one day by a mysterious girl and finds himself in enemy territory (the Malkuth Empire). As Luke  journeys home he learns that Kimlasca and Malkuth are on the brink of war. He soon finds himself at the center of the conflict. With both countries fates in the balance, one wrong move could mean the death of thousands.

So who is Luke, aside from a duke’s son? Due to events in his past, Luke can’t remember anything seven years prior to the beginning of the game. The event caused his family to become protective of him, imprisoning Luke in his manor with only servants and family to keep him company. Because of this Luke is an ignorant brat, and that’s probably how most players view him at first.

I, on the other hand, loved Luke the first second I saw his face. 

That deadpan stare of boredom sent me into a laughing fit. From that moment on, actions such as Luke taking an apple without paying, then becoming annoyed when he gets chewed out for it, made me snicker with glee. Also, that face!

Luke has some of the best comedic expressions!

Besides being humorous to watch, Luke truly is a kindhearted character, but just doesn’t know how to show it. An example early on in the game is when Luke protects a cheagle (think fire-breathing rabbit) from falling debris. When the cheagle thanks him, Luke quickly lies about his intentions to stop the cheagle’s praise.

Not only is he kindhearted, but Luke is one of the rare video game characters who shies away from murder. The first time Luke kills a man, he is sent reeling. He can't believe what he has done, and his companion's accepting attitudes in regards to murder are incomprehensible to him. Even towards the end of the game the thought of taking someone's life upsets Luke. It is such a breath of fresh air. In fact, the development of his entire character is like that.

As much as I gush about Luke, he has his faults. Sadly, I love him for those too, but that’s not the point. The point is that Luke has his flaws, and he is punished for them. The game loves tearing him to pieces only to rebuild him into a hero that players can admire. The selfish, disrespectful, naïve brat transforms into someone who isn’t brave and selfless, but someone that despite his fears and his wants realizes there is much more to the world than his existence. A far more human and engaging character than most would expect at first glance.

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Those Lovable Gorons

So I have a complicated relationship with the Legend of Zelda franchise, but I will say this: I love Gorons. 

When I played Ocarina of Time I was my most motivated to save those lovable rock-eaters, unlike some other characters who were barely present and/or rude. There is just something so lovable about Gorons. It’s their little quirks like trying to eat the Goron Ruby (anyone else remember that guy?) and curling up into a ball until someone approaches that just makes them so great.

Also, their design is amazing. The big eyes and mouth combined with the pudgy belly and tiny legs give off a teddy bear feel. Granted, you just have to take a closer look at those limbs to see that a Goron could crush your skull just by flexing. Oh, and let's not forget what happens when they curl into a ball and roll right into you with their jagged back. Such deadliness and cuddliness in one body is so awesome.

 I wish that one day I could make a character/creature as lovable and deadly as the Gorons.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

The First Real Post

I guess it’s time to finally step out from the shadows, and post something other than a couple of sentences and a picture. So let’s be honest here, I have no idea what to blog about other than myself and my stories.

I don’t have many skills. Though, I am an excellent rambler (that doesn’t necessarily translate into writing). Also, I’m not particularly knowledgeable in any area.

In the past, I have considered giving writing tips, but that always left me with a bad taste in my mouth, because as much as I try to follow my own advice, I don’t always take it. Sometimes that’s good, and sometimes that’s bad. You can’t make anything original if you’re always sticking to the same recipe.

Point is: I’m no writing genius, and I’m not going to pretend to be.

So where does that leave us, reader?

I don’t know. That’s okay though, as long as you know that.

Astounding Rankings!

I just saw this on Amazon.

You guys are amazing!

Free for Three Days

For the next three days Turning Curse is free on Amazon. Share with your friends.